Dobrodošli na stranice fitness centra JUMP, otvorenog 1992. godine za rekreativce, sportaše i rekonvalescente.
Informirajte se o mogućnostima vježbanja u našem centru samostalno ili pod vodstvom kvalificiranih trenera.
Odaberite termin za konzultacije i doznajte više o našim dodatnim uslugama poput:
- izrade osobnih planova prehrane
- pripreme sportaša za natjecanja
- kineziterapije (za oporavak nakon povreda lokomotornog sustava; programi tjelesne aktivnosti za: starije od 65 godina / osobe s kroničnim oboljenjima / osobe s invaliditetom / osobe sa srčanim oboljenjima, itd.).
FC JUMP otvoren je svakodnevno, tijekom cijele godine, osim na Božić, Novu Godinu i Uskrs. Stoga - JUMP in!
Welcome to the webpages of the Fitness Center JUMP, established in 1992 for recreational athletes, athletes and convalescents.
Find out about exercising opportunities in our Center: self-exercising or under the guidance of qualified coaches.
Choose an appointment for a consultation and find out more about our additional services such as:
- making personal diet plans
- preparation of athletes for competitions
- kinesitherapy (for recovery after injuries of the locomotor system; physical activity programs for people: over 65 / with chronic diseases / with disabilities / with heart disease, etc.).
FC JUMP is open daily, all year round, except for Christmas, New Year and Easter. Therefore - JUMP in!